Circle Time
Arts and Crafts
Book Reading
Throughout the day, toddlers reconvene as a whole group to practice and learn skills, interact with peers and educators, and reestablish focus. During the circle time toddlers learn about numbers, letters, shapes, weather etc. Circle time also includes singing songs and movements.
Arts and crafts develop toddlers fine motor skills. During arts and crafts children regularly use the various muscles in their fingers, wrists and hands. Regular use of these muscles improves their strength and finesse, which then makes other tasks, such as writing, far easier!
Reading and storytelling helps toddlers learn about sounds, words and language. It also stimulates imagination, develops social skills and helps toddlers learn about the world. We read books daily and ask toddlers to fill in the words in stories they know, and name what they see in the pictures. Our toddlers like books with animals, stories about playtime, and lift-the-flap and pop-up books.
Play, play play
Naps and Rests
Outdoor Time
At Raising Stars we deeply cherish play-based learning through playful interactions amongst peers, with teachers, and in independent settings. With open-ended materials, children are encouraged to explore, create, and question a variety of learning topics as they freely and imaginatively investigate the world around them. Play is really the work of childhood."
After lunch, around noon, toddlers take naps. We use dark shades and sound machines to make the nap time longer and comporting for toddlers. Most toddlers sleep longer than two hours, and the children awake early can stay on their coats and rest or have a quiet time while exploring books.
Our center offer dedicated outdoor play space for toddlers to shake their sillies out and expend some of that seemingly limitless energy. Educators are encouraged to use the outdoor space for playtime and lesson enhancements. Weather-permitting, classrooms spend ample time outdoors enjoying the fresh air year-round. Our playgrounds are fenced for safety purposes.